Wednesday, February 13, 2013

NuviaTrim Coffee Giveaway

Just recently I received a box of Nuvia Trim to review. Nuvia Trim is a gourmet coffee with Green Coffee Bean and Raspberry Ketone. This skinny coffee is made with natural ingredients that have been shown to support healthy weight management!

I’m sure you have heard of skinny green coffee before… and are wondering “Does it really work?” Well, over the past three weeks I have replaced my regular coffee with Nuvia Trim… and at first I didn’t “feel” any effects. I actually gained a few pounds (though nothing can beat the cravings during that special time of the month). It wasn’t until completing 2 full weeks of the skinny coffee that I started feeling extremely full. I had to remind my self to eat breakfast and lunch. I am almost done with my month supply of coffee, and I wish I had more. Slowly the scale is going down! I am seeing a small weight loss and loving it!

This is by far the BEST instant coffee I have every had! You can taste a hint of raspberry. It’s fast, easy and delicious. Just add 1 packet to 5-8 ounces of hot water! You can even add your favorite creamer (I did).

How would you like to enter to WIN a box of Nuvia Trim? Visit The Giveaway Train today to read the rest of my review & enter!